November Light, A Dusting of Snow & The Beauty of Late Autumn Hues . . .
 Gathered from the Garden: Winterberry Branches by the Armful
Late autumn and early winter are like two jealous siblings, pushing and pulling for our attention on Mother Nature’s beautiful playground. One day, autumn will win out; all golden light and tawny strands, running wild in the wind. And the next, winter pushes her back and takes over; frost, fog and flurries blurring the landscape like a pastel painting. Of course, I can’t help but love them both, and I delight in their back-and-forth as the days grow colder and shorter now, so late in the year.
My garden installation work winding down, I’m settling back into the studio as the snow begins to fly. As always, I seek inspiration in the natural landscape; drawing upon the beauty of stark lines and late autumn hues, low light and softening snow squalls. On long walks through the garden, forest and surrounding landscape, I gather as many winterberry branches, hemlock boughs, pinecones and tufts of maiden grass as my arms can carry.
It’s time to begin decking the halls & for seasonal celebrations to begin.
 Wild Winterberries (Ilex verticillata) Dot the Swampy Shore
 Dried Asters Shimmer, Backlit Blond in the Meadow
 Tea Viburnum Fruits (V. setigerum), Brilliant Scarlet in a Tawny Landscape
 Sunlight Dances Upon the Faded Grandeur of Autumn’s FineryÂ
 Beauty Everlasting: Snow-Dusted Hydrangea Blossoms, Still Hold a Beautiful Bronze Hue
Bunches and Bunches of Bright Red Winterberries (Ilex verticillata) Brighten a Wintry Autumn Day
The Empty Garden’s Haunting Beauty (Rudbeckia hirta, Miscanthus sinensis & Companions)
Photography & Textâ“’ Michaela Medina Harlow/The Gardener’s Eden. All photographs, artwork, articles and content on this site (with noted exceptions), are the original, copyrighted property of Michaela Medina Harlow and/or The Gardener’s Eden and may not be reposted, reproduced or used in any way without prior written consent. Contact information is in the left side bar. Please do not take my photographs without asking first. Thank you!
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