Tag: Black Cherry (Prunus serotina)
Butterflies and Moths, Hummingbird/Butterfly, Insects/Entomology
Moonlight Flight in the Garden: Attracting Lovely Luna Moths…
 Luna Moth (Actias luna) –  iPad Illustration by Michaela One of the best parts about teaching is having the opportunity to further my own education. And when I am asked a great question that I can not answer, I get especially excited by the chance to do some research and learn something new! Yesterday morning, […]
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Beneficial Animals and Insects, Butterflies and Moths, Caterpillars, flowering shrubs, Hummingbird/Butterfly, Insects/Entomology, Syringa (French Lilac Hybrids), Syringa vulgaris
Of Sunshine and Swallowtail Butterflies…
A Perfect Spot for Sampling Lilac Nectar – An Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) on Syringa vulgaris ‘Mme. Lemoine’ Sunshine at last! Finally, after weeks of rain and fog, golden light returned to the garden this week. And suddenly, the sultry air is filled with Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies —bright as the sun itself— fluttering about […]
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