Tag: Viburnum bodnantense ‘Dawn’ (Bodnant Viburnum) in bloom

  • Suspended Springtime

    Viburnum x bodnantense ‘Dawn’ Springtime started her seasonal flirtation early this year. Way back in March —when she should have been roaring— spring was soft as a lamb. But as T. S. Eliot said, April is the cruelest month, and in 2020 we find ourselves in truly uncharted territory. As I stood blinking in the […]

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  • Springtime Joy As Winter Wanes . . .

    The Golden Glow of Springtime: Hamamelis vernalis  It’s been a long, long, harsh winter in New England. This year, more than any in recent memory, we all seem anxious for any sign that the seasons are about to change. Bodnant viburnum, vernal witch hazel, pussy willow, golden spicebush, snowdrops, crocus; as gardeners we cherish these […]

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