Art Inspired by Nature: H.D. Thoreau “A Winter Walk” …

Early Winter 2006 oil:panel 24" x 48" M.S. Harlow Early Winter, 2006 © M.S. Harlow 

“We sleep, and at length awake to the still reality of a winter morning. The snow lies warm as cotton or down upon the window-sill; the broadened sash and frosted panes admit a dim and private light, which enhances the snug cheer within. The stillness of the morning is impressive. The floor creaks under our feet as we move toward the window to look abroad through some clear space over the fields. We see the roofs stand under their snow burden. From the eaves and fences hang stalactites of snow, and in the yard stand stalagmites covering some concealed core. The trees and shrubs rear white arms to the sky on every side; and where were walls and fences, we see fantastic forms stretching in frolic gambols across the dusky landscape, as if nature had strewn her fresh designs over the fields by night as models for man’s art…”……………………………….. Henry David Thoreau, (excerpt) “A Winter Walk”

Ice Storm l  2007 Ice Storm I, 2007 © M.S. Harlow 

Ice Storm IV  2007Ice Storm IV, 2007 © M.S. Harlow 

Ice Storm lll  2007Ice Storm III, 2007 © M.S. Harlow 

***For further information about the artwork of M.S. Harlow, please visit the  artist’s website here.

All images on this post are copyright M.S. Harlow, all rights reserved.

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