
  • On the Magic of Harvest Moon . . .

    Moonrise and Maiden Grass in the September Garden Last night I caught moonrise —growing full and bright in sunset’s afterglow— in the garden as I scrambled to cover heirloom tomatoes and ripening bell peppers before dusk. With clear skies and a threat of frost in the evening air, it seems that autumn is arriving prematurely […]

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  • Moonlight in the Garden . . .

     June’s Strawberry Moon Rises Above the Ninebark, in Full Bloom A Strawberry Super Moon and a June garden in full bloom… Could there be a more lovely way to celebrate the first weekend of summer? The Strawberry Moon is full on Sunday, June 23rd, at 7:33 am ET, and the full moon is at perigee […]

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  • Pretty in Pink: April’s Full Moon . . .

    April’s Pink Moon is Named for the Color of Wild Ground Phlox, Which Blooms in Early Spring  Be sure to keep watch for the Pink Moon rising tonight, April 25th, at 7:52pm ET. And if you’re up with the songbirds, as I am, you can also catch our lovely celestial neighbor as she sets, at […]

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  • Beauty to Behold: The Sap Moon Rising

     The Sap Moon Rising Above Paper Birch and Snow-Covered Hills in Vermont Be sure to look for the full, Sap Moon (aka the Worm Moon), when it rises tonight at 7:50pm ET. The moon was full at exactly 5:27am ET this morning, as it began to set on the western horizon here in Vermont. With […]

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  • Romancing the Full, Cold Moon . . .

    The Full, Cold Moonset: December 28th, 2012 In the hour just before dawn this morning, I pulled on my winter boots and trudged out into the drifting snow to greet the full, Cold Moon as it set on the western horizon. Did you miss it? Well you’ll have another chance this evening. Moonrise tonight is […]

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  • Once in a Blue Moon …

    August’s Blue Moon —99% Full Last Night— Rises in the Dusty-Violet Twilight This month’s Blue Moon —also the last full moon of summer— will rise tonight at 7:08pm ET. Be sure to catch it, or you’ll have to wait almost three years to see another one! The next time two full moons will occur in […]

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  • In Anticipation of April’s Pink Moon …

    The Pink Moon (Shown Here, Rising on April 4th) is Full this Friday, April 6th, at 3:19pm ET Longtime followers of The Gardener’s Eden will recall that this starry-eyed gardener has a particular fondness for April’s Pink Moon. Previous posts (such as this one, here ) have also included links to Nick Drake’s beautiful song by the […]

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  • Winter Crescent …

    Winter Crescent  Up early this frosty morning —pulling on winter woolens and running outside to enjoy new-fallen snow— and as I sipped my morning coffee, I savored a breakfast of crescent moon and a sky spread with apricot-blueberry jam. Photographs and Text â“’ Michaela Medina/The Gardener’s Eden. All photos, articles and content on this site […]

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  • Greeting January’s Wolf Moon …

    An Eerie Golden Glow Twixt Skeletal Trees: January’s Full Wolf Moon January’s Wolf Moon is full today —reaching it’s peak at 2:30am ET— and will rise this evening at 5:17pm ET (click links in the paragraph below for moon rise and set in your geographic area). I’ve been enjoying many celestial pleasures this month, including […]

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  • Good Morning Moon …

    Night Kisses Day: December Sunrise by the Light of the Moon As we approach the shortest day of the year, I find that I’m rising before the sun; hitting the floor mat to stretch and practice meditation before beginning the day with a run or walk through the forest. Starting my morning in the cold, 5:30 […]

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  • Evening Shades of Lavender & Indigo Welcome July’s Thunder Moon …

    Moon Rise in Indigo Sky With pink sunsets, towering cumulus and electrical storms alternating with powder blue horizons and nights filled with stars, July has been an extraordinary month for sky watching. And moon-gazing, my favorite evening pastime, has been particularly lovely this month. I snapped the photo above —of our nearly full, celestial neighbor— […]

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  • Moonlight on Maple Buds…

    Moonlight on Maple Buds Watching the moon rise through bare tree limbs last night, I couldn’t help but notice changes taking place in the forest all around me. By night, swollen maple buds stand out in soft silhouette against the sky’s moonlit glow. And by day, hillsides filled with reddish twigs color the landscape in […]

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