The Moment of Spring: A Walk Along The Secret Garden Path in Magical May

Pretty is the Cool Morning Mist; Softening the Landscape and Intensifying the Fragrance of Springtime

So busy is the month of May… Days pass so quickly, I can barely remember to flip the pages of my desktop calendar. Things in the garden change rapidly from day to day, and I try to take a different path to the driveway each morning, so I won’t miss a single unfurling leaf or flower. But no matter how hard I try, I can’t put sweet springtime on pause to wait for me. And even if I could, would I want to restrain the exuberant sprint of nature, even for a day?

The Pink Buds of Koreanspice Viburnum (V. carlesii) Swell on Graceful Branches; Draped Upon Grey Stone

Only a Week Ago, Trees Stood Bare and A Few Blossoming Shrubs Played Solo…

Now, Everywhere I Look, New Leaves Appear

The Bold Colors of European Beech (Fagus sylvatica ‘Riversii’) Sing…

In Perfect Harmony with Blushing Daphne (D. x burkwoodii ‘Carol Mackie’)

Her Sweet & Spicy Scent Seducing all Who Draw Near…







Favorite Combinations Reemerge… Delicate Foam Flower & Cimicifuga… Woodland Phlox & Ferns…

It Seems Everything is Springing to Life at Once. Breathless, I Barely Keep Up…

Creating Vignettes in Summertime Spaces…

And Drinking In the Beautiful, Fleeting Moment of Springtime…

Sanguinaria canadensis – Bloodroot Blossoms

Moonlight Hydrangea Vine (Schizophragma hydrangeoides ‘Moonlight’) Leafs Out- Sprawling Over a Candle Niche in the Secret, Walled Garden at Ferncliff

Helleborus x hybridus ‘Royal Heritage Strain’

The Fading & Falling Blossoms of Viburnum bodnantense ‘Dawn’


Secret Garden Walls and All Stonework at Ferncliff is by Vermont Artist Dan Snow

Secret Garden Design and Installation by Michaela (for details on plantings see Ferncliff and Secret Garden pages at left)

Article and Photographs â“’ Michaela at The Gardener’s Eden

All photographs, articles and content on this site, (with noted exceptions), are the original, copyrighted property of The Gardener’s Eden and may not be used or reproduced or reposted without prior written consent. Contact information is in the left side bar. Thank you!

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3 Replies to “The Moment of Spring: A Walk Along The Secret Garden Path in Magical May”

  1. virginia wyoming

    And this is such a year for wildflowers! Dutchman’s breeches have invaded the beds around the house and are so welcome. Trout lillies bloomed profusely on the hill. Many colors and sizes of violets are everywhere (and in our salads, too. Love seeing your environs! Thanks.

  2. Deb Weyrich-Cody

    Oh Michaela, I love Dan Stone’s sinuously sensual, deceptively relaxed, dry stone walling in your Secret Garden. They look like they’ve been in place for generations!
    We have a very active builder’s group nearby, and their work is a marvel to behold, but I would very much like someday, to take the centuries-old stones piled along the hedgerows and shape them, moss and lichen intact, into such a work of art… xo D

  3. Michaela

    @ Virginia – Yes, it is an incredible year for wildflowers; so slow and cool. I love the Dutchman’s Breeches… so delicate and ethereal. I too, welcome them one and all. Thanks for stopping in to say hello, I always love hearing from you, Virginia! xo M

    @ Deb – Yes, Dan Snow’s stonework IS the garden. Thank you for commenting. It sounds like you have some delightful dreams and plans for the stone at your own place. I look forward to hearing more, when the time comes…
    xo M

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