Welcoming the Winter Solstice …

Winter began just after midnight today, December 22nd, and I like to celebrate the arrival of the new season with candles, bonfire and a toast to longer days and shorter nights ahead. Learn more about the history and science of the Winter Solstice by visiting EarthSky.org.

A Warm Welcome to the Wonders of Winter !

Photographs and Text ⓒ Michaela Medina/The Gardener’s Eden. All photos, articles and content on this site (with noted exceptions) are the original, copyrighted property of The Gardener’s Eden and may not be reposted, reproduced or used in any way without prior written consent. Contact information is in the left side bar. Thank you!

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3 Replies to “Welcoming the Winter Solstice …”

  1. Polly Thompson

    Thanks for a gorgeous tribute to the Solstice! I woke up this morning with gardening on my mind, and it feels like the perfect day to tell you how grateful I am for all that you give, especially when the days are short and dark.

  2. Michaela

    @ Polly – Thank you so much for your sweet words. I love knowing that you are out there, gardening along with me during the growing season and enjoying this garden online throughout the winter months. Happy holidays. xo Michaela

    @ Mary – Thank you! And a very happy Solstice to you! xo Michaela

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