In Search of the Slow, Sweet Summertime
It always happens in mid-May . . .The summer ahead seems endless in late spring and I schedule too many things on my calendar. Over-booked and over-worked, I inevitably catch a cold and fall behind on everything. This year, the cold set me back a couple of weeks —in June! But, here I am. I made it back, with a moment to spare.
Now, I just have to play catch up in my own garden, which as usual, has become a neglected riot. I need and want to make a few design changes here, and this WILL be the year it all happens (insert knowing chuckle)! But for now, this mantra applies: “I weed, therefore I am”. Oh, and thank goodness for Rudbeckia hirta. Self-sown, Black-eyed Susans always seem to tie the blowzy garden together and make everything alright. If only I could grow them on my head.
Where to start? Well today’s goal is pretty simple: pull out the hammock. Yes, the hammock is still in storage, which is just plain ridiculous. How can I keep up with my book reviews without th trusty hammock? Have you kept up with your this year? Go ahead …Inspire me!
Article and Photography copyright Michaela at The Gardener’s Eden, all rights reserved. All content on this site, (with noted exceptions), is the property of The Gardener’s Eden and may not be used, reproduced or reposted elsewhere without written consent.
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2 Replies to “In Search of the Slow, Sweet Summertime”
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The summer in southern Quebec has been a lot hotter and more humid than normal… which means I’ve been doing more reading in the shade and less gardening. No hammock here, but a comfortable chair in a shady spot serves the purpose.
Your garden looks glorious.
We are experiencing the same weather here in Vermont. I am grateful this week is a little bit cooler. Enjoy you chair & good reads! Thank you so much for the kind words. My weeds can certainly wait! M