Tag: Music Garlic
Autumn, companion planting, Cooking, Garlic, Halloween, Herb Gardening, Onions, Plant hunting, Plant Propagation, Plant Spotlight, Planting Techniques, Preserving Herbs, Putting Food By, Root Cellar Storage, The Seasons, Vegetable Gardening, Vegetable Gardening/Potager
Bavarian Purple, Spanish Roja & More: Selecting & Planting Gourmet Garlic …
Gorgeous, Gourmet Garlic! Bulbs, Clockwise from Top of Ceramic Bowl: German White, Russian Red, Bavarian Purple & Spanish Roja. On Table: Two Heads of Doc’s German & One Each of German Red & Music. In Basket: A Combination of All Garlic Varieties, Plus Continental. Creatures of the night, beware: I grow garlic! Garlic and onion […]
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companion planting, Cooking, Cutting Garden, Ferncliff, Flower arrangements, Garden Rooms, Garlic, Herb Gardening, Honeybee Friendly Gardening, Indoor Table Arrangements, Kitchen, Organic Disease Control, organic gardening, Organic Insect Control, Planting Techniques, Potatoes, Secret Gardens, The Seasons, Vegetable Gardening, Vegetable Gardening/Potager
August Abundance: Notes from the Kitchen Garden…
My Summertime Kitchen Mid August is always a busy month in the kitchen garden. Abundant cucumbers, summer squash, beans, tomatoes, peppers, herbs and onions must be harvested and put up —frozen, dried, pickled and/or canned— at the peak of freshness. Late summer chores in the potager include watering —especially during this extended dry spell we […]
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Bulbs, Cooking, Garlic, Great Blogs, Plant Spotlight, Recipes, Vegetable Gardening
A Thousand Mothers Set into the Earth: It’s Garlic Planting Season…
‘German Red ‘ garlic bulb from Wild Shepherd Farm, Athens, Vermont The ancient Greeks and Romans often called garlic the ‘stinking rose’, and in eastern Europe it is sometimes referred to as the ‘Russian penicillin’. Allium sativium has been praised for it’s worth by many as ‘better than a thousand mothers‘; blamed for bad breath, gas […]
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